Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Purpose Driven Life chapter 39

Chapter 39: Balancing your life

Something to remember: Blessed are the balanced; they shall outlast everyone.

Verse to Remember: "Let's take a good look at the way we're living and reorder our lives under God" Lamentations 3:40

Something that was impactful: Our five purposes are to:

1.Love God with all your heart.
2.Love your neighbor as yourself
3.Go and make disciples
4.Baptize them into...
5.Teach them to do all things

I am totally serious about living my purpose driven life!
So i need to Talk it through with a spiritual partner or small group. We are meant to grow together.

Give myself a regular spiritual check-up (Evaluate my life periodically. i.e should I have handled that this way or should i have dealt with this problem another way)

Write down your progress in a journal. I keep so many journals. I ran out of notebooks so i need to go buy another one. Each of my notebooks right now has a purpose. I need to keep a record of the life lessons that i dont want to forget. That is so important.

I need to pass on what I know to others. I need to pass on what i have learned so others can learn as well. It is MY responsibility to carfry the message to others. God is calling ME to be his messanger. I am honored to do that.

I am going to go waaay more in depth with this purpose driven life book. We went pretty in depth in church and small group, but i am gonig to write down some things that the book says to do like keep a journal, write my testimony. etc etc.


Anonymous said...

Hey Christine
That is great news to hear. I have been diving more into the word lately and I am learning so much more. Let me know who it goes diving into the purpoes driven life. I want to know what God is doing in your life and what he is saying. It always cool hearing what God has to say. Every encourageing I might say

Anonymous said...

Love ya lots
God bless