Saturday, November 05, 2005

Pay it Forward

I am not sure if this qualifies as Pay it Forward...however... it was REALLY cool!!!!!!

I was at Douglas College all day (in New west which BTW i like David Lam campus SOOO much better!!) I was hanging out with my friends from the TR class. We have a study group. We met up and did a few leisure interviews and we studied for 3 hours STRAIGHT!!! WOW..anyways.. i went to photocopy some things and this guy (who happened to be REALLY REALLY cute **blushes**) comes in to the photocopy room and was like:

Boy-"well, what a crappy day today has turned out to be" he was referring to the pouring rain. Me- "meh, its not so bad"
Boy- "well isnt someone in a chipper mood" he wasnt in a BAD mood like he wasnt giving me attitude but he was teasing me i guess (my friend says he was flirting.... i wouldnt know what that looked like even if it came up and bit me)
Me- "yup"
Boy- " Its saturday afternoon and we are at school, how can u have such a chipper attitude"
Me- I dont let the bad weather get me down" i smiled.

Then he couldnt figure out how to put money on his card for the photocopier and so i helped him put money on his card, and i had to get back to my group and he said "thank you" and he was in such a better mood when i left. he looked at me and smled when he said thanks. I walked out of the room with the biggest smile on my face!

That is totally what God wants us to do. Sometimes if someone is in a bad mood we tend to get the brush of that mood and then we get in a bad mood. but if someone is in a bad mood (or just not happy about the weather) you have to counteract that mood with a 'chipper' attitude. If you do that people will be like "wow, shes happy, maybe i should be happy too, life isnt so bad" :)

THEN i went to leave and my friend and i were walking down the hall and another guy (who was cute yes, again!) and she complimented his hair (she is an older lady not my age... btw) and i agreed and he looked at me and smiled and he was talking about how he is growing it out and its going to cover his ears...and such.. my friend and i were going to the facilities and she was like "theres another guy totally checking you out" hahahaha.... again i wouldnt know that even if it came up and bit me..but all i said to her was:

"Must be the hair" :)

Blessings to you all....


Ashley said...

wow, that is quite cool. :)

Karyn Baker said...

Sounds like a fun day.... :)

Christine said...

Oh it was! studying from 2-5! yeah! And apparently i learned (from this worksheet i did) that i am an aural learner! i dont even know what that is! aha! but ya, when we were studying they were all saying that i was quiet..what would ever give them that impression?? hmmm LOL