Monday, May 08, 2006

Prophetic Words

Wow tonight I was majorly blessed!

At the Worship service tonight and we were singing "Your Majesty is More" by Karyn Baker (powerful words in that song, the words are exactly explaining what I am going through right now, but I will blog that after this)

As I was singing that song I heard someone come over and sit down beside me. I didnt pay much attention to it, i was singing this song from my heart because I want those words to be true. After the song was over this guy was telling me that he has been watching me for the past 4 weeks and he has noticed me worshipping God through singing. He has noticed my willingness to worship God. He told me that God told him to tell me that he is proud of me for overcoming trials in my life and for perservering through current ones. This guy (a really nice guy) doesn't really know me at all really. We see each other a lot, but thats about it. He didn't know anything of what I am going through currently, and for him to tell me that God told him to tell me that he is proud of me, that was totally from God. He told me that God told him to tell me that He wants me to stay with the Salvation Army. I was like wow..thats cool! When he was telling me all this stuff I was almost crying, because I have been feeling really sad and stuff.

And confirmation to that prophetic message... I am sure u all remember (well those who know me lol) when God spoke Jeremiah 29:11-14 6 times in a week? Well a different verse has shown up 5 times this month. James 1:2-3 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."

This just totally made my day. I love it how God gives messages to people that we don't really know all that well to tell us. Its funny how God works :)

God rocks!

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