Monday, May 01, 2006

God at work!

Last Saturday, the teens and leaders that went to RAW from New West held an open air at Moody Park. That was an awesome time! God is truly working on me! woot! I was not afraid of speaking and I wasn't afraid of showing my faith to people! Anyways, a gentleman named Will came up to the group and listened in. It was great. It took him a while to come over, but its all in God's time. Anyways, we prayed for him.

Today after the sunday morning service, a bunch of us went over to Moody Park. We had a ghetto blaster and stuff and were just singing and hanging out. Then Mike and Joanne Badior joined us and we had a great chat! It was nice of them to come out! Then I look over and there is Will walking down the sidewalk. I recognized him so I waved to him and he came over and everyone talked for a while. Then Will mentioned to us that his friend Julie, 34, has Brain Cancer. He was quite upset about this, he was crying, I felt really bad for the poor guy. He said he is going to loose it when she passes. She needs Jesus! So anyways, we prayed for Will and we prayed for Julie and he thanked us. Then he had to go, but it was so great how God is working in our lives. We have one open air and God's glory is already being shown! God is working through us to help Will. God is working through us to help all of New Westminster! woot!

God rocks!

1 comment:

Denise said...

That is SO amazing, Christine!!!! I am happy that you shared this - Jesus is amazing! I pray that you guys will continue to run into Will and that through you all Jesus will bring him into the New West community.