Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Quote of the Day

I am going to try to put a quote here each day, the quotes come later in the day....so it might be later that I blog them... but heres yesterdays... i really like it..

A man may study because his brain is hungry for knowledge, even Bible knowledge. But he prays because his soul is hungry for God.

Leonard Ravenhill

Ask yourself... why do you pray? Is it to get things? Is it to adore the Heavenly Father? Is it for other people's needs. All are good, but in my opinion there needs to be a little of ALL of it. But adoration should come first and foremost because God is worthy to be praised first and foremost. This is how I was taught to pray:



I gotta go, sorry that was such a short blog but i have A LOT of homework to do.. papers to write, movies to watch, questions to answer, reading to do.... wee college is fun. aha....


1 comment:

Liz said...

hey there,
i am glad you posted on my blog!!!! feel free to anytime.
you are so right about prayer.
on mine i do the same, and to get people engaged with the lord.
sorry i did not post sooner!
keep up the refreshing posts!!
