Sunday, January 01, 2006


This is my blog and its my thoughts, so this is just my thoughts for tonight, and if people dont like hearing whats actually going on in my mind, then dont read it.

I am getting kinda tired of the whole gossip thing. It is discouraging and not important. But why is it when I mention it, people tell me "dont start with the 'holier than though' crap" I am sick of it.

My New Years resolution is to not be a part of any gossip (not listening to it or speaking gossip)

Tonight in the car ride home there were many of us. Everyone was gossiping about meaningless stuff. I was told to keep people accountable for it ever since the whole topic of gossip was brought up at youth group. So when they started gossiping I said "this is gossip" and one of them said "oh dont bring up the holier than thou crap." I had enough, I just got my MP3 player out and turned it on full blast because they didnt stop. I have had enough of it. I truly want to NOT have a part of gossip but it is very discouraging when someone tells me not to pull a "holier than thou". It is not, and I am in NO way anymore holier than the people that were gossiping.

I couldnt help but cry for the whole ride home, there is just so much going on in my life right now that is making me upset (grandpa being in the hospital, helping my grandma through this time, trying to pay for school for next semester, a CT scan on tuesday to find out whats wrong with me) and that was the final straw. I have just had enough.

How can I try to live a Christ-like life when I get called a "holier than thou"? I have said it and I will say it again, I am in NO way holier than anyone else. In fact I would say I am less than holier than anyone else. I am nothing, truly. but in God's eyes I am everything. I know that I shouldnt care what people say, but when I am trying to be Christ-like and I get called that, it really hurts. I am unsure what to do next, because I am so discouraged by this whole thing. I am at my breaking point, I seriously dont know what to do. I know what you all are going to say 'just dont care what he said to you' well thats really easy to say, but even harder to do. How can people just let stuff like that go out of their mind? When someone says something hurtful, how do you get it out of your mind? How? I dont have the answers and I would really like to have some answers.


Ginger Ale said...

I know at times things can suck.. I know what it feels like... When you stated, "how can I be christ like if pple are calling you stuff like that..." I was thinking that's exactly how you become christ like.... to be christ like you have to endure what he endured. Though I'm not dening how hard it is... but that's where we run to God because he has all the answers.

Inquistive sentiment said...

I agree! this gossip thing needs to stop. I know that you have been trying to keep others accountable but, try to tell them in a different way instead of "this is Gossip!" Maby something like "Hey we shouldn't be talking about this" and change the topic. I think that maybe the way you tell them makes them feel like you are better than them. I know that you don't think that, But that's the way people feel by HOW you say it. I know that I totaly Suck at this gossip thing and I am struggling with it big time. But I know that if we keep trying, praying, and keep each other accountable, We can overcome this!
God, I pray that you give christine wisdom in how she speaks to her friends, And that she will know that the hurtful things people say are from the devil and they are not true. I also pray that you help her group of friends work together to stop gossiping, so that their friendships can be restored to the way you want them to be. AMEN

Anonymous said...

Hey Christine
I totally agree that this gossip needs to stop. It has been going on to long and has hurt many people. I have decide to stop gossiping and to not be apart of gossip because it just hurts those around you. This something God has been laying on my heart