Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Enemy and His pleasures

I was reading Karyn's Blog about "A Month of War" and how she has noticed that there has been a spiritual attack on many people. I agree on that, its totally true. For many of my friends and I, the holidays (Christmas and New Year's) were not great. I know that it is not about me. I know that Christmas is all about Jesus being born for us and all that, but it was just really hard because of the things going on with my Grandparents. That has seemed like a big dream that I cant get out of.

But one of the comments made on Karyn's blog was someone asking these questions:
"WHY at this time do you feel there is an attack? What do you believe the root of it all is? "

Karyn's response was totally what has been on my mind too. If you want to read the comments and the blog go to her blog (linked above) but one thing that totally got me mad, was a part in her comment. Now I wasnt mad cuz she wrote it, I was mad because it is true. She said " I find that when I finally manage to open my eyes and see that the enemy has been having fun with me, it helps to stand and face him and use the authority that I'm given and the power of God to actually fend him off and chase him away. "

The enemy DOES have fun attacking us. I HATE that! It's like when people are giving us a hard time, they get great pleasure out of seeing us get upset. Its the same with the enemy. He gets great pleasure out of making us upset! When I was made fun of in school I tended to get really upset about it. The bullies had great fun with that. They LOVED seeing me get upset cuz that is the reaction that they want. Back then I couldnt stand up for myself, i seriously had no backbone. That is, until I asked Jesus to be my backbone. Then it was easy to ignore comments (i was never beaten up, so i didnt have to defend myself in that form) It was easy to not say anything in response. They get really mad that i dont respond to comments and then they stop.

However, it is not like that with the enemy. He is a persistant little devil. He takes situations in our lives and makes them HUGE. For example my grandparents are both in hospital, one is ill, she cant function, and the other is doing realy well but cant go home until grandma goes home. but PRAISE GOD that he is doing well! I am so glad! but anyways, at first, nobody expected that my grandpa would survive. my grandma said that when he fell that he had to recolection of my grandma being there beside him. My grandma thought he was dead. When I woke up that Christmas eve, i was terrified that he would die. I am no longer afraid of death, because its cool knowing where I am going when I die. and I feel the same way for my grandparents because they both are devoted christians. Even through this whole thing my grandma is saying "God is going to be there with me through this whole thing" She was telling the OT that when he was working with her the other day. That was awesome! Even through all this she knows that God is there! AWESOME! Wow that got off topic a bit. but anyways, when things like this are going on, the enemy loves to add more onto it. He loves kicking us when we are down.

He gets great pleasure out of seeing us struggle, and as Karyn's comment said, he has great fun making us struggle. He loves it. That is what makes it easier to fight him! It has taken a few weeks to figure this out, but the enemy is having fun with my family. God put this situation in our lives to make us stronger and to rely on him, and the enemy is like 'i dont think so, i am going to add more so that they will take God out of the picture" well sorry enemy, you are NOT going to take me away! U CANT HAVE ME!

Another thing, I need to rely on God more. I was walking home from the prayer meeting and I found out that Re:fuge tonight is going to be different, and it involvd me and a few people. I was asking God what I needed to improve on and he said that I need rely on him more and trust that what he tells me to do is right. I was re-reading an email that i sent to a friend asking what to do. I told her what God told me to do and i asked her what she thought. Y did I do that? I was reading it again today and I was like "how stupid am I" God tells me to do something, I SHOULD DO IT! GEEZ!

I guess that was sort of a rant blog, but it was just my thoughts for today and it is my blog, so i can rant if i want lol.


Anonymous said...

Nice! I'm glad to hear that you realize that you need to rely on God more. It's better to realize the things you are doing wrong then to cover them up and pretend that we are perfect!

Liz said...

hey, thank you for posting!!!
i am kind of in rush i am sorry but i will post more very soon.

be free in God the one and only!!!
