Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Blessing of Community

Wow tonight at youth was truly awesome. I didnt play the game (Sardines, i just feel claustrophobic when I play that game) but we worshipped through music and I can truly say that I felt close to God tonight. Even with the distractions of people talking, I still gave my all to God. After everyone left to go home a few of us stayed back. Luke noticed that there were a few of us that were still wanting to worship through music somemore, so we sat in a circle (there was 5 of us including Luke) and we worshpped through music. It was so awesome, because even when Lukes guitar string broke, we still sang. It truly doesnt matter whether there is music in front of us or an instrument, he cares about our hearts!

But anyways, after that, we prayed over each other. One person went in the middle and said what they would like prayer for, and each one of the other 4 prayed for them. It was so awesome. EVERYONE of the 5 got prayed for and then after we did a big group hug! It was so awesome to be in community like that. I havent felt truly in community like that in a while. I mean yes, my friends and I hang out all the time, but we rarely dig into the word, and I want to start that up. Have a small cell group at my house or something. Just something once a week so we can dig into the word together. And worship through music a little too.

I havent truly felt the community that i felt tonight in a while, it was an awesome blessing for me. It is awesome that I am not letting the whole situation with my grandparents get me down, and i find that whne I am not upset about something it helps me to be able to help someone else who is in need. I have been so selfish in the past, where I was so caught up in my depression and my own problems that i neglected my friends around me. Well NO MORE of that! Its time for a fresh start! All for God's glory!

oh please pray for me, i am doing bible study on the FIRST VERY FIRST preach EVER! I am a little nervous, but its something God wants me to bring to everyone's attention. Its something God told me on my birthday to write. I wrote the preach (and have been editing it through the last couple days) on the 17th just before midnight.... I was coming home from youth and was in the Word and God told me to write this preach. So i did, I am going to prolly edit the heck out of it in the next few days..but oh well.... its gonna be good!!

Blessings to you all! I am just so FILLED WITH JOY. This is awesome awesome awesome!


Anonymous said...

It's so great to see you grow in our faith! Love ya lots! Yuo're a great friend! Thanks for all your encouragement!

Anonymous said...

Hey Christine,
That was a great night. Thanks for your prays that night. I really felt God was there and wanted me to ask for pray I am happy I did because I feel my relationship with God is going to grow stronger. What an great night so full of joy and love from everyone who prayed for us.