Sunday, January 15, 2006


When I was at church tonight, i felt so filled with the Holy Spirit. I wrote two poems and God gave me a vision AND a message! I will share the vision and message with you all. The poems i am still working on.

Vision: I am the only person in the santuary at CHT. I am singing to him and him alone. My arms are up in the air and I am praising him.

Message from God: Be authentic in your worship. Worship me the way that i know you can. Have your arms up if you want to, shout praises if you want to, bow before me if you want to. Dont hold back your worship to me just because you are afraid someone will hear you sing or that people will mock your worship. Worship me like you and I are the only ones in the room. Never hold back what you need to do and thats to worship me. Worship comes from your heart, not your mind. When you worship, let your heart take over. When you truly let your heart take over, you wont care what others think when you are truly authentic, truly yourself. I love you dearly my dear daughter. You are precious in my sight. Never stop believing in me. Always have faith that things will get better! Believe, just believe.

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