Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Prayer Requests

Hey everyone, I gave my resume to Bosley's Pet Food Mart (the place where i volunteer at with the RCHS) cuz they are hiring, so i think i have a really good shot at getting the job. Please keep me in ur prayers about that please...

Also my back is really sore lately, since saturday morning my lower back hurts when i move. It doesnt hurt if i stay still like in the chair or standing up...but when i move/bend down it HURTS. i dont know whats ya....

Thats it :) Thanks guys. If u ever have any prayer requests let me know :)


Ginger Ale said...

Your in my prayers, love!

Victory of the People said...

Jesus, thank you for taking up Christines back pain when you died on the cross. Thank You for healing her by your wounds. Please heal her back.

Jesus thank you for being Jehova Jira, the Lord who provides. Yahweh, please provide Christine with this job at Bosleys.

Thank you for being so great!

(is your back better?)

let us know when you get the job!

mee-shell said...

Hey Christine!

Awesome blog!!! :) I'll forsure keep you in my prayers...

Bless you lots.

Victory of the People said...

go to and leave a comment with your blog address...

Victory of the People said...

oh and hows your back
did u get the job

Christine said...

back is better, i dont know about the job yet.... they havent phoned

Victory of the People said...


Praise the Lord for His healing!!!!!