Thursday, August 18, 2005


Yesterday, I took the day to think about Ms Waller. It would have been her 45th birthday. So I took the day to remember all the good memories. But it ended up making me sad to think that if I had all these good memories, just think about her family..... They had many many more memories with her than me. It made me sad to think that her family is sad. So i was sad,

then i went to check something on my dad's computer and my brother called me into his room and was like " hey do you want to go to crash crawley's ?" LOL so i said "umm why?" and he said that Travis was oging to be dressed up as the bird cuz its an open house... so i was like ooook... so i phoned MJ and asked if she wanted to come and she asked the same thing "ummm y" and i told her,.,.. she asked her mom and i tlaked to her mom and she said "go ahead get lost" so we picked up MJ and then we phoned Angel and i asked her and she said "um why" ( do you see a pattern here LOL teenagers going to CRASH CRAWLEYS LOL) anyways, so we picked Angel up from the skytrain and went to crash crawleys. Angel and MJ went on the jeeps. Travis was like "if anyone asks, your thirteen" LOL.... so they went on the jeeps and then down thje black slide (i dont like the black slide) so i waited.. and then we hung out in the ball pit for a long time. It was veryvery very very hot! We were all hot and sweaty.. eww. Then we talked my brother into getting us McFlurries. The guy at McDonalds was flirting with me a little LOL.. well ive never flirted so i dont know if it WAS flirting but my brother got a large Mcflurry and said we can get small. So i was being cheeky to my brother and i was like "why dont we get large" and the guy at McDonalds was like "if u ask me to make it a large i can" or something like that i cant remember fully... so i was like... no thats ok.. i was just gibving Kevin a hard time anyways LOL...... we were VERY hyper. I think that Travis thought we were VERY weird. Kevin didnt cuz he sees it all the time LOL.

And then i came home and talked to Marcjon for like i think 2 hours haha. Hes going to come to Youth Group on tuesday so i can meet him :) He sounds like a nice guy! HAHA I told him that my crush came online and he was like "what? who is it" and i was like "jealous?" and he was like " i just want his address so i can egg his house" hes jealous awww.... LOL. Anyways. tonight hes going to send me a video that he made with his friends a while ago for school. SO i finally get to see his face and hear him talk LOL...

Anyways, i need to get ready to go out. im going to help clean my grandmas house and then pick up my cousin from the bus depot.

oh and the lesson for the day: when going to crash crawley's DONT wear shorts... ouch for rug burn!!!

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