Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Its a God thing...

K for those of you who have been paying attention to my blogs lately, I am going through a rough time.... yesterday we gave up our kitty Sherbert, she was very sick, but what is worse, they didnt put her down which is what she wants and what we want..she was given to a lady who takes care of old cats...... sorta a kitty old folks home...hehe... anyways, so in a sense she was taken away...

Well tonight at Refuge, was really not wanting to be there, I feel bad cuz i had no emotion when Karyn was preaching, i just stared at her blankly and stared off into space occasionally, my mind was on Sherbert, i heard and understood what Karyn was preaching but I also was thinking about Sherbert, did we do the right thing? Should we have just said to put her down? Is she tihnking that we abandoned her? Does she miss us? Doreen told me today that she is settled into a room in the house that hte lady lives in, and when she went to walk around she bumped into a cat bed..poor thing... I love her so much! even tho she isnt living with us I still lvoe her. oh man this blog is getting off topic already..sorry guys...

Annnnyways, We started worship and the very very first song that was played was "Blessed be your name" Some of the lines are "You give and take away my heart will choose to say blessed be Your name" and "Though theres pain in the offering blessed be yoru name" ANd after Karyn was talking about that and i just cried cuz i knew that she was in a way directing that towards me. SHe smiled at me too when that part came up..... God is right, that he gives and takes away but my heart will still say blessed be your name.

The whole story to my understanding (i cant fully remember the story) But the person who wrote this song was going through a rough time, i cant remember what happened [Karyn?....help?? :)] And he still praised God even through that rough time. I really need to learn that.

The song comes from the verse that says:

Job 1: 21~ Naked I came from my mother’s womb, And naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD.” (NKJV)

I love that verse! Job was having a rough time and still worshipped God. That takes some faith! Job lost so much and still praised God! I want to be like Job, even tho i am going through a rough time, i am going to PRAISE GOD!!

Tonight for my bible reading (after i watch Jonah he he he) is going to be to read Job.......ok maybe not ALL of Job, but thats going to be my next bible study. Im going to read all of Job by.......uhhhhh.......the end of summer! which is SEPTEMBER 5!!! I want to read at least 2 chapters a day! Thats ambitious for me since my life is so busy, but im taking this week off from my volunteer duties except today at the shelter and friday at daycamp and buchanan....but tomorrow and thursday is all for myself (and well,,,,when Angel and MJ come over maybe then we can laugh, but most of the day is going to be devoted to reading and listening to music and praising G-O-D!

P.S. On a funnier note: Lesson for today...One must go PEE before leaving the church to go catch the bus!! hahahahahahahahaha **coughcoughmjcoughcough** hehehehehehe I told you i could put it into a blog aha......Love you all!

P.P.S. Karyn you used my word: Visecious aha...i use that word all the time!!!!! It means sarcastic! woo thats a big word..!! Thanks for praying with me tonight btw! Love you so much!

I have a funnier picture of Sherbert, and ill scan it and put it in tomorrow...

<-----My baby: Sherbert! I love you hunnie!!! **muah**

And keep my duckie safe...AMEN!! hehehehehehehehehehehehehe


Karyn Baker said...

Hey there - the story about "Blessed Be Your Name" - it was written by Matt and Beth Redman and though they say there is no specific story that it refers to, many people think it refers to a time when their baby son was in the hospital. By the way - I like the next verse in Job, it says, "In all this Job did not sin."

Bakes :)

PS - Took me FOREVER to figure out what you meant by "Visecious" - haha - it's spelled "Facetious". ! :)

Ginger Ale said...

Rock on!! Ha christine! And I can't belive you used my name in your blog!! And yes, one must pee b4 leaving the church!! Trust me I know form experience!! lots of love! Peace out, dude!

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is Marcjon. Laura's been all like "Marcjon, talk to Christine!" so I added you to my list, but you're never on. If you want to send me an email you can do so with this address. Hope to hear from you soon.

Anonymous said...

oops. Click here for the address.

Christine said...

Bakes- OOOOOOOH THATS how you spell it! ahhhhh.... thanks....