Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Going home

I read an article in the newspaper about Michael Buble ( **daydreams*) ahem..anyways.. and then i listened to his CD and i listened to the song "Home" its so cool. He is basically saying that what he has where he is is nice but he just wants to come home (to Burnaby)

My great grandma passed away last thursday at age 93. SHe had alzheimers. My mom told me this story that my grandpa told her, on tuesday night she was sitting on the couch with her husband and all she kept saying was "i want to go home, i want to go home, i want to go home to Jesus" and the next day she passed away. Its sad that she is gone, but she got what she wanted right? She wanted to go home to Jesus. she got her wish! no more pain or sorrow, no more tears! AMEN!

And a beloved lady that came to our church passed away on saturday night. She and her sister were the oldest members of our church. They were even at our church when it was Vancouver Temple downtown. They were the first people to ask how my dad was after Crosswalk closed. They KEPT asking how he was. They both were so caring! They were the f irst to buy my dad's book of poetry. And now Marjorie is gone, but I have NO DOUBT in my mind WHATSOEVER where she went! She went to be with the LORD! HALLELUJAH!Her funeral is on Friday morning, and even tho i am sad that she is gone, i shouldnt not go to the funeral cuz i am too upset. I should go to support Marjories sister and family!

Anyways, thats my thoughts for today! Oh and i met Marcjon on tuesday. Hes nice! lol.. Karyn said to my mom that if i had met him by myself without someone else there she would kick my butt! LOL... dont worry Karyn, im not that stupid! I was safe! and it turns out hes a keeper! LOL...... hehe

God bless!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Christine - just trash the comments - no need to even respond to people like that - they obviously haven't got something better to do. Click on the little trash can icon in the corner of this person's comments. And don't take their comments personally - they don't even know you.

Anonymous said...

OK - that was weird - I left my comment and then 'refreshed' my page to see if it showed up, and the number of comments kept gong DOWN instead of up - you must be online trashing the other comments right now! Haha!

Christine said...

yuppers :D thanks Bakes!