Friday, December 23, 2005

The Cycle of Fear

I was reading Karyn's Blog this morning. She was talking about herself being in a cycle. As I was reading that I realized that I, too, am in a cycle. I am in a cycle of fear.

A few months back, I was walking home from church and there was a big dog.... If you want to read that whole story go here. Anyways, I got some really good advice from Karyn. She told me to look up verses on fear and write them down. I have a notebook and I wrote a lot down about fear. Karyn told me to read those verses and believe what they say everytime I feel afraid. So I read them. I had little fear when I walked down that block for the first time since the incident. I had no fear from then on about walking down the block.

I find myself in the cycle of fear again. These past couple days there has been shootings at a house on 14th. I know that I am in no danger of getting shot because they are targetting this one house. But I am still very scared because I had never heard a gun shot before that day. I find myself fearing walking home again.

Why is it when we fear something, then we get over that and then we fear something else. Its a horrible cycle. Fear- Read and Believe- Over that Fear- Another fear comes- Fear- Read and Believe etc etc.

Its very frustrating. But here are a couple verses that I really liked from what I wrote down in my notebook. I am going to read them before I go to the Candlelight services at CHT and NW.


Matthew 10:31 ~ So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Luke 12:4 ~ My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more.

John 14:27 ~Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

1 comment:

mee-shell said...

Hey Christine! First of all - I love the new layout of your blog... it kicks! :) I agree with your blog... I read Karyns and I was like - "wow - I'm in a cycle too..." I think that we often do get stuck in these cycles... I'll blog about it so my comment on yours won't be so long. :) great writing though... love reading your posts! Bless you lots!