Monday, December 26, 2005

"Thats what I love about Jesus"

I bought a CD today by Paul Brandt. He is a country singer, I have heard him sing and I love his voice so when i saw this CD I bought it. I was listening to the last song on the disc and it was called "Thats What I love about Jesus" (See lyrics below and then read the rest of my thoughts)

Thats What I Love About Jesus by Paul Brandt

I've had people say
That I'm a self made man
I'd like to set the record straight
Because I never could have planned
The way my life has gone
And the blessings I've received
It had nothing to do with me

I love to sing and play
And travel with these songs
But I've got to give the praise
Back to where it all belongs
Before I was even born
He knew what my job would be
He made me who I am for all the world to see

That's what I love about Him
That's why I talk about Him
And friend I'd be lost with out Him
He makes this world make sense to me
And He let his life end
Just so he could be my friend
That's what I love about Jesus

Now it doesn't make me perfect
Or any better than you
And yes, He is my crutch
And He's my wheelchair too
Cause I can't do it on my own
He gives me all my strength
His power helps me make it through each day


So if you hear this song
You've got to make a choice
To just keep rolling along
Or to listen to His voice
Since I gave my heart to Him
I have been set free
Yeah, He's made all the difference to me


This song is so true. "Because I never could have planned The way my life has gone And the blessings I've received It had nothing to do with me" That is totally true. I could never have planned what was going to happen in my life. If i chose what would happen in my life, I would have nothing bad happen to me and I would never learn anything. I am glad that I dont have control over my life because I think it would be in shambles.

To be completely honest with all of you and I know this is putting myself out there...but God wants us to be truthful and authentic right? But, without God I think I would have killed myself long ago. there were just some things that I was struggling with 3 years ago, some really really bad stuff with friendships and highschool drama, I just had enough. But I knew that God would get me through it so I didnt do anything to myself like that. But if God hadnt have been there I would have let what others say to me get in my mind and make me think it. To some degree yes I thought I was what they were telling me because its all I heard. Now whenever I say somethign bad about myself or someone else says something bad about me, He tells me something that He loves about me. "That's what I love about Him That's why I talk about Him And friend I'd be lost with out Him He makes this world make sense to me And He let his life end Just so he could be my friend That's what I love about Jesus"

Truly, I would be SO lost without him, so totally totally lost. Sometimes I get a little lost on my path, but God leads me back on the right path. Jesus ended his life so we could live. I think that is pretty significant. No...scratch that. I KNOW that is pretty significant.

"Now it doesn't make me perfect Or any better than you And yes, He is my crutch And He's my wheelchair too Cause I can't do it on my own He gives me all my strength His power helps me make it through each day" On the other blog I wrote earlier today, i had written that I thought that my pastors had a perfect life, and that I was wrong to think so. Pastors are not perfect, so neither are we. We all need to lean on him ALWAYS. We need him to be our crutch or wheelchair sometimes.

We CANNOT get through life on our own strength. We need HIS strength to get us through what comes our way. We need HIS power to help us. It is SO true.

Wow this was a long blog. Man it seems like lately I have just rambled on. God is just teling me so much lately. Like when Karyn told me to write down verses on fear in a notebook, well I did that. And now with the situation with Grandpa, God is telling me to write down verses on Prayer. So that is what I am doing once I get off of the computer, which is soon. Its so late. but I wnat to spend some more time with God. Speaking of that, I am cutting my cable in my room for a week. God has been speaking to me a lot, and he told me tonight to get rid of my cable for a while and everytime I want to watch a favorite show or something, to pick up my bible and spend some time in convorsation with God. cool eh? So I am going to do that starting Wednesday. Tomorrow I am busy all day (visiting my grandpa and then going bowling)

I challenge you all to ask God what he wants you to surrender. I would love to hear comments on what God told you. :)


1 comment:

April said...

Hey Christine
That sounds like a great song. I find that God always as ways of talking tome through songs if you listen to the words and spend time listening to what God wants to tell you. How powerful is that. God talking to us through songs and words. God is great that way. I know that God loves you and wants to speak to you just take the time to listen to him. You wont believe what he will say