Thursday, December 22, 2005

"Christmas" is only a label, its the heart that matters

I was reading yet another good devotional this morning, well I didnt read it this morning, I was very tired but I watched the news tonight and it reminded me what I skimmed through this morning. So I read the devotional again.

WOW, Here I was saying to 'Put Christ back into CHRISTmas" but truly, Jesus really DOESN'T care about labels. After all, it's Christ that is the issue, not Christmas. I don't even think Jesus cares very much about what we or anyone else call an evergreen with lights on it in December. Jesus never cared much about labels anyway; He always cared more about what was in the heart.

John said something that caught my eye especially in this devotional: "Here's how you put Christ back into Christmas: you celebrate Him as Lord of your life and ruler of your heart, and you love even those who want to take Christmas out of the Holiday equation. Jesus didn't come to condemn the world, but to save it (John 3:17). He came to forgive sins -- mine… yours… everybody's. Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. Let's not let religious pride get in the way of the core message of the gospel. It's never been us against them; it's us for them. We mustn't forget that Jesus came to die for the very people who are trying to secularize our country. "

Christmas is not about some label, so lets not get all caught up by fighting the name of Christmas. If we do that we will forget to live out the reality of the hope of Christ to the world. If we are all caught up on fighting for the name, we are not focusing on what really matters. It's what's in your heart that really counts this Christmas. If people end up encountering the real Christ of Christmas, it wont matter what we end up calling the holiday itself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah..i agree with this post,It's the heart that matters!

btw nice blog you have here.

found your blog while reading comments at chris tomlin's blog.

Blessed Christmas
