Monday, September 12, 2005

God's Timing

Hey y'all, sorry it has been a while since i blogged. Havent been very motivated to until today.

Angel and I went over to Crystals house today for a visit. She was in the hospital for 5 days. I cant remember what virus she had but it was almost menengitis. YIKES. anyways. She gave us directions to get to her house. We left my house to walk to catch the 112, JUST as we get there (well like 1 foot away) there was the bus pulling up. so we ddnt have to wait. then we get there we waited like 1 minute for the skytrain. We get to the skytrain and we waited like maybe 3 minutes for the UBC bus downtown. then we get off at Angels school cuz she was picking up some hair stuff cuz she was gonna cut my hair (she did, it looks awesome) so we were like ok well Crystal used to walk home from the school so it shouldnt be too far. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA our mistake! It took us like 40 minutes to get to her house. It was a nice walk. We had a nice talk. we stopped at 711 for some food, we were hungry lol. we finally get to her house and we watch a movie and then she gives me pennies for my penny drive. Im doing the CIBC Run for the Cure so she was donating pennies, im trying to raise money the hard way, its not working so well so i am doing the penny drive and more if people can donate more. So we left her house and went for the bus, the bus was right across the street. so we get to the bus stop and the bus is RIGHT THERE! then we get to broadway station and i needed to cash the pennies at the cash thing in safeway. So we stopped there, there was a homeless man there on the street and i felt really bad, i didnt want to give him money but i wanted to give him something to eat but i didnt have anything. and i get to safeway and i realize i had 2 pop in my bag. so i was going to give the pop to him after i left the store, but he wasnt there when we came out of the store :( so i buy a newspaper to find out about Burns bog..its RIGHT by my aunts house. She lives near there, if it jumps the highway then they have to evacuate. but ya. we get home and dinner is like 5 minutes away from being done, so i showed Angel a video of me singing that i made on my webcam.... then she cut my hair.

that was a long story and is taking forever to get to the point, but heres the point. God's timing is great! not always what we want ,but God's timing is the right timing. It was so cool how we made it just in time for all those busses. it was cool.

Another story, not really related to God's timing, but yesterday i was coming home from a great night of worshipping God at evening church service and a lady stops me, i take off my ear phones and she tells me there is a dog down my block and to watch out cuz the dog jumped on her. Ok now i was TOTALLY freaked out. I was praying that the dog would not hurt me. I kinda had little faith at that time because if i knew God was protecting me that i could wlak down the street and not worry, but i had a bad memory when i was little (4), i got trapped in a car by a rottweiler. but i stayed calm in this situation last night. I did not run cuz the dog would run after me if i ran, i knew that so i didnt run, i was calm, i backed up and walked down 18th instead so i was praying asking God to keep the dog away from the place where i was going. I was terrified that the dog would be where i was when i got to my house. he wasnt. but i still cried i was so upset. but i was uninjured. God was looking after me! He in a way made sure that i walked down 18th instead of continuing down my street. Thank you Lord for holding my hand as i walked home last night!

Well there ya go, I blogged. its been a while since i wrote a blog... like a week since i wrote something God related. but again, if any of you (that know me) have any spare money can u please donate it to me for the CIBC run for the cure. My goal is 300! to people who have donated. Thanks SO much!

Oh and if u are wondering who i am running for. i am running for Janice Waller, a great teacher that used to teach at Cariboo. she died of breast cancer. It will be 6 months as of September 17th. rip! I love you!


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