Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Years spent doing various activities

This is the number of years in an average life (70) that people spend:

Sleep- 24 years
Work- 7.33 years
Formal Education- 4.33
Eating- 2.33
Misc. (household chores, cooking, personal hygiene, commuting)- 5
Free time- 27

This is what i learned tonight in class. but i know what you all are thinking. "I wonder whos life is this? I wish i had that much free time. I wish i could sleep that long." My classmates and i were so suprised at the years we spend working. It seems like so much more. although this study was done in 1982 so things have changed a bit. but ya. and formal education, you figure going to school for 13 years spending 6 hours a day on average at school.... that doesnt seem right, and i dont want to do the math. LOL... but ya. its so ironic how this study says that we have so much free time, when really sometimes it doesnt seem that way, with work, school, the hustle and bustle of life, you dont really think that we have THAT much free time. Im just rambling, i just wanted to give those facts. that wasnt really God related, sorry. i will think of something tomorrow.

see ya'll later!

P.S I get to go to REFUGE on the 20th! WOOOOOOOOO


dannyman1024 said...

God does have great timing. haha. good to see someone else recognizing this.

hope you have a great day!

Ginger Ale said...