Friday, April 06, 2007

Feeling Unworthy?

If u were looking for an inspiring blog lately, sorry..but these things are on my mind, and thats what a blog is for right?

Have you ever had those moments where you don't feel worthy enough to enter God's presence? I felt like that last week at a worship night. With the song "Take me into the holy of holies" (thats not the title.. i cant remember the title) But it was like "wow... i don't feel worthy enough to be in his presence. Do I want him to take me to that place if I don't feel I should be there?"

I think the simple answer is yes, Satan tries to tell us that we are unworthy all the time, but we need to fight that off and enter God's presence. We need to focus on God and let him speak truth to us instead of giving into the lies that Satan tells us....

That is all...

Good night


Anonymous said...

Oh Christine!
I know what you mean!

Karyn Baker said...

Hey, Christine - interesting experience, and one that many have had, including John (the one that wrote Revelation) and Ezekiel, and Daniel..... I think that while Satan CAN make us feel unworthy, and he will do so to try and keep us OUT of the presence of God, the material point is that we, without the cleansing blood of Jesus, ARE unworthy. Sometimes those feelings of being so small and unworthy in God's presence are not Satan's attack but rather just a realization of the immense purity and holiness of God. That's a really GOOD experience to have and to recognize. That true worship that we always talk about is understanding His incredible greatness and our relation to that. Not necessarily to bring us down but to show us who we really are and who He really is. Those guys I mentioned above - when they experienced the true revelation of God's greatness they "fell down as though dead." That's not Satan, it's just truth. One will want to walk you away from God's presence (Satan); one will lead you to repentance, awe and worship (the real deal). Go for it!

Christine said...

"Sometimes those feelings of being so small and unworthy in God's presence are not Satan's attack but rather just a realization of the immense purity and holiness of God."

Karyn- this is true, however, it isn't good to stop worshiping just because we feel unworthy or to feel guilty about why we feel unworthy (like sin).