Sunday, January 14, 2007


It turns out I did not get that job at the dollar store because I was told to go in on Tuesday when the janitor's wife (one of the managers) was working and talk to her. Well I did that, but she said that the people got hired yesterday. She told me to come in on Tuesday when she was working to talk to her about it.... she wasn't too happy that they had hired people, but I got the feeling that they won't be there too long because her husband said that to me. So I don't know..we will see... If it is in God's will that I get this job, great..if not..not much I can do.. I can't change God's will.

Which brings me to a question regarding God's will.... When things go really badly for example, when families split apart, number 1: is that God's will? and number 2: If it is God's will, than why would that happen? God wants unity in families, so why would they split up? It is someting I am struggling with in my own family life right now (not my parents guys, don't worry). I need to know some clear answers about this, if any of you have any thoughts please don't hesitate to comment. Thanks so much.

God Bless

1 comment:

Haven Bartton said...

"number 1: is that God's will? and number 2: If it is God's will, than why would that happen?"

I think God's will is really God's "Best Case Scenario". So while God's ideal will doesn't *change*, His directions for us might change based on events that occur.

For instance, if I through my own sin and error murder someone, I believe it is God's will that I go to jail. That's not because God wants me in jail, but it's still the best direction to go, even though God's original will was for me to stay out of jail.

So "why does it happen"? Well, it happens because we are people who make mistakes. People in a family make mistakes, and that can lead to more and bigger mistakes. It may get to a point where the best thing *is* to separate until things change.

Of course marriage makes things more difficult in reality. It is never God's will for a married couple to be forever separated, but I do not believe God condemns couples from being separate if that is what is necessary to cool off and learn how to come back together again.

I think it's fair to say that permanent divorce and/or remarriage are *never* in God's will.