Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Convenient Love

I know I might get some tomatoes thrown at me for blogging about this topic, but it is another thing that needs to be said..

Why do we love when it is convenient for us? Why do we say I love you when we want things? This is somthing that is baffling me right now. I was at my church youth last night for the first time in a while, and my best friend was there too, she hadn't been out in a while either. I had bought lollipops a few hours earlier, and i gave one to my best friend, then other people saw that I had given her a lollipop. One person came up to me and said "I love you" in a way that told me she wanted a lollipop. I said to her "You only say you love me when you want something." She walked away. Then other people came to me and wanetd a lollipop. People who NEVER talk to me came up to me and wanted a lollipop. Do they only love me and talk to me when they want something?

It doesn't just happen to us humans, it happens to God. Sometimes we have a tendency to just pray for things we want, and we only talk to God when it is convenient for us, and when we want something. This cannot be. We need to praise God all the time. Why? Because he is worthy to be praised! A good friend of mine always says "God's worthiness to be worshipped never changes" I completely doesn't matter our circumstances, we need to praise God because he is worthy. We need to praise His name, not just ask for things. We need to tell God we love him all the time, not just when we want something.

*ducks for flying tomatoes*


mee-shell said...

hey good stuff! love your thoughts and love that your bloggin' about what God is laying on your heart - keep it coming...

second - i hear you on this - i work with people who always ask me to pray for them - which in itself isn't bad. but i even got an email from a friend to ask me to pray for her so that she can get this loan for a car...

i said i would - i prayed, and asked God to bless her and asked Him to provide for her... He did - which I really do give God all the honor and glory for answering my prayer - and for answering what she desired for... the thing is - people always ask me things as well... esp for prayer. and they always seem to "want" things... eg. a car, or more people to work. or money.

its always about what they want... i sometimes feel so bad praying for them - i still do, but i always end my prayer with "God - if its only your will please answer my prayer..."

anyways - i'm rambling now... but great stuff!

Bless you as you continue to share you heart,

Michelle :)

baconandfriends said...

Do you really think they were saying they loved you to get a lollipop?
Maybe it was their way of saying they would like you to share your candy.
Don't read so much into it.