Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Love and Reliance

I was reading over notes from a sermon that was preached at Re:fuge a while ago, because it is something that God has laid on my heart tonight. The relying on other people hasn't stopped. God wants people to rely on Him to get them through their tough times, but instead they are relying on people to get them through. My fellow Christians, this cannot be. This cannot be at all. God has laid this on my heart, because He wants you guys to know that He loves you no matter what. He is just asking that you will turn to Him to help you through your problems.

Putting confidence in an unreliable person is like chewing with atoothache or walking on a broken foot. (Proverbs 25:19 NLT)

I love that.. Would you chew on the side that has the toothache? I would nope not. Would you walk on a broken foot? No... so why rely on an unreliable person for the thing that God can give you? EVERYONE in this world is going to fail you at one time or another, but GOD WILL NEVER FAIL YOU! So why not go to the one who won't dissappoint?

That is a short blog..but there it is... there is another one to follow. God is speaking a lot to me tonight.

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