Wednesday, October 04, 2006

God's Calling

Be sure to check out Michelle's Blog for some great insight.

Her and I were talking tonight, and she was telling me about this guy that likes her and she likes him, but he said that they can't be together because they don't go to the same church. Now firstly, that is not cool IMO (in my opinion). We are the church, it shouldn't matter what building we go to to worship. Secondly, she was so heartbroken at this. I gave her some great advice that was given to me when I was going through some issues with some people.

My good friend Karyn gave me some great advice. She said to picture yourself chained to this person to which you are having the issue with. When you are going through a problem with that person, you are chained to them because you are carrying around the issue. She said that instead of dragging the problem along with us in our day to day lives, we need to picture ourselves at the cross, and we need to unlock the chain from our ankle and chain it to the cross. Let Jesus deal with them. It is the most powerful advice I ever got.

I wanted to pass it on to my friend Michelle, and I decided to blog about it. Because if you are going through a hard time with someone, you need to leave them at the cross. If you are dealing with inner issues, picture those issues as an actual being, and chain them to the cross. Let God deal with them. There is no use in you losing sleep over it. Give it to GOd cuz he will be up all night anyways ^_^

1 comment:

mee-shell said...


thanks for the advice... bless you for passing that along to me... you rock!

Bless you,