Thursday, September 21, 2006

When Bad Things Happen

I was watching GMA (Good Morning America) this morning and I watched an interview that Diane Sawyer did with Clay over the last 2 days, and I was horribly dissappointed. The only issues Diane asked about was his sexual orientation and the fact that he is on Paxil (Depression and Anxiety pill) because he has panic attacks. Why is it that this is what the public wants to know? They could have talked about his work with his foundation for people with disabilities (The Bubel/Aiken Foundation) or his work with UNICEF or his new presidential appointment. But no, they talked about the bad stuff and broguht up bad memories for him (the tabloids back in January) I could see the pain and anguish when he spoke. He was clearly bothered. Which brought me back to a devotional I read from Purpose Driven Life. It was titled "When Bad Things Happen" Here are my thoughts about it and a mix of John Fischer's words:

"When bad things happen to good people we can be assured that this is God, out to make good people better."

When bad things happen it is for God to make us better, but sometimes it can get to the extreme, don't you think? I mean, like, come on... this brings me back to the whole celebrity thing, it is what i see as huge issues, people being attacked in the tabloids. People are being hurt by what the tabloids say. I guess God does want people to grow stronger because of this, and some people's faith has grown stronger. I guess that is what God wants. It is a huge test for Christian celebrities especially.

"There are so many things in life that make us cry, “Why?” “Why me?” “Why now?” I don’t think we are capable of knowing all the answers to these questions. Our lives fit into a vast and complicated tapestry that only God could unravel, because he’s the one making it. There are things that happen in our lives that are tied in an intricate domino effect to something else happening somewhere else that we may never realize in this life. I’ve heard of enough bizarre connections to know this is happening a lot more than we realize. Chalk it up to God’s amazing creativity as he weaves his will into the events of the world."

God is definitly creative. Well obviously, he created everything. Everything in the world is part of his will. Sometimes that is hard for me to grasp. Was September 11th part of his will? I don't know, because it was people who forced it to happen. Same thing with the wars, people started them. Was it in God's will? Only God knows. I don't think it is ever in God's will for innocent people to die. We need to trust in God and trust that when we are going through bad things that there is a purpose for it.

"Our job is to look at what happens in our lives and learn from what God is trying to teach us. There are no mistakes here. God doesn’t go, “Whoops!” or to the angels: “OK, what went wrong here?"

OUCH!! That is truth right there. God doesn't make mistakes. Why? Because God is perfect!

"Here’s the truth of the matter God’s purpose is in everything that you and I go through, whether we are able to see it or not. And that purpose is producing something good in and through our lives, no matter what happens."

"We all have things in our lives in which it is hard – almost impossible – to see God’s purpose. That doesn’t mean anything except that we are shortsighted and short on faith sometimes. That’s when we need to keep on believing and knowing that God is working things out for the best."

Dear Heavenly Father, Help me see that what I go through on a day to day basis is what you want to happen. It is for your purpose and pleasure that everything happens. Help me to realize that you still love me, even though I go through pain and hurt. Help me to always remember that even if friends walk away that you never will. I love you Father, and I will never walk away from you! I tend to think that you do walk away from me when i am going through pain, but I realize after that you were there all along. I am going through pain right now, and Jesus, I know you are here! Help me to always know that you are with me! Amen!

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” (Romans 8:28 NLT)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I was so blessed to read your blog tonight... thank you for sharing your heart on here. You totally have some awesome points... I agree with what you said...

I read your prayer... and I don't know exactly what pain you are feeling right now... but this is my prayer for you for tonight...

All Mighty Father... I ask that You'd protect Christine right now... I pray God that You would continue to gaurd her heart... I don't know Father what pain she is feeling at this very moment but I ask Father that You'd place Your hands upon her and heal her of this pain... Lord - i am reminded of the song "trading my sorrows" at this very moment I pray this over Christine - that whatever pain that she is feeling that she'd trade that in for Your joy... God that when she feels crushed, persecuted, abandoned, struck down Lord - I pray that she would be blessed in Jesus name! Hallelujah! Lord Your word says

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:28-31

Lord may Your everlasting joy be her strength!

Bless You!