Friday, September 29, 2006

Things that flow out of love for God

I have felt closer to God through this pain I am experiencing currently, with persecution and accusations etc.

I haven't bought a CD in a long time, but last week I finally bought one. It is an album of love songs from the 70's, 80's and 90's. Great sets of love songs! I love love songs...hehe....that was funny the way I said that...*clears throat* anyways... It is "secular" love songs...but the title of the album is "A Thousand Different Ways". The artist has said that the album is titled that because the songs on it can be sung a thousand different ways, can have a thousand different meanings etc etc.

Since all the sermons on worship, and topics of worship have come up (emailed Devotionals that i get) I have learned that it doesn't matter about the music, it matters about the heart. I have taken these love songs that this artist has sung on this album, and I have sung them to God. This has been such a great worship tool. Music is great for that, but there are also other ways of showing your appreciation to God.

Since listening to this album, deeds have flowed out of my love and adoration (worship) for God. I have cleaned my room, cleaned the house, done lots of housework, made candles for people (and for a craft fair my mom ad i are doing in November), I have made some fish (out of gimp) to sell at the Craft fair in November and all the proceeds for them are going for the Bubel/Aiken foundation for individals with disabilities.

All of these good deeds flowed out of a worshipful heart full of love for God.

I guess my point to this blog is 2-fold:

1. Secular Songs can have multiple meanings.....its not the music that is Christian, its the lyics. It is your choice as to what meaning you will have put to the lyrics.

2. Good deeds will flow out of your love for God.

1 comment:

April said...

That is so true. You can worship with any kind of music just think of ways to put God in them. Keep on pursuing God he as so much for you. Even with all the pain God wants to walk through it all. Think about some of the stuff we talked about on Wendesday at worship team.
Love you