Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Pictures from Saturday

Here are just a few of the many pictures that I have from Saturday night. They are clickable so you can see the full photo! The ones that are blurry were taken with my camera (except the one of me and Faye, that was the only one that wasn't blurry for some reason):

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Clay! Oh and the 11 finalists and the rest of the judges too..

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The Judges

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Mrs. Faye Parker and I

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Pricisilla (sp?) - She was Clay's college professor, Kristy (works for the BAF), and Faye again (Clay's mom)

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Clay again!

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None other than Ms. Olivia Newton-John!

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Clay! Cute eh? He was looking right at my friend's camera (who was right in front of me)

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