Monday, September 11, 2006


This past Saturday (September 9th) I had the great opportunity to go watch the David Foster Star Search at the River Rock Show Theatre. I was so glad that I was able to go because, if it weren't for some random claymate in Ontario, I wouldn't have been able to go. God provided me with the money, but the tickets were sold out. Then he blessed me abundantly, by this woman being so kind as to sell me her tickets because she was not going to be able to go.

There were 11 finalists and 4 celebrity judges: Clay Aiken, Babyface, David Foster and Daisy Fwentez (sp?). I had the most amazing night of my life. I didn't get to meet Clay, but I at least got to see him and he waved at us. It was my very first experience with seeing any sort of celebrity as well known as Clay. I got to meet David Foster, he is one of the biggest producers out there. This was a pretty star studded night for me.

Here is my review of the night:

Tonight was so awesome! I had such a great time and got to meet a lot of wonderful people. Now I know you all are wondering, well no I didn’t get to meet Clay unfortunately. But I was in the same room as him and got to see him in person and listen to him speak his mind.

We got there at around 3pm on Saturday and hung out, waiting for people. Then we went into the Dockside CafĂ© and got dinner. And as we are just sitting and waiting, I hear someone whisper “There’s Faye” (Clay's Mother). I was shocked that she actually came out. Her and Jaymes and some camera people were there for around 15-30 minutes talking, taking pictures and signing autographs. Faye was very kind. THEN low and behold I hear SCREAMING. I wondered what the commotion was, so I look and Jaymes had CLAY’S NEW CD in her hand. She opened it up for the mini poster. I didn’t get a picture of it though, someone did I am sure. That was awesome. I shyly asked Faye if I could get her autograph and a picture with her. She signed the LTS book as ‘Clay’s mom, Faye” hehe aww. I also gave her the book that a friend and I wrote so she could give it to Clay ^_^

After dinner, we went up to the balcony to see if we could see Clay. They saw him for like 3 seconds. LOL. I was downstairs at that time, so I didn't see him. But anyways…then I went back up and waited there until about 7:30. I was feeling a little weak and nervous about meeting him ( I get nervous about meeting ANYONE new, let alone someone who is well known), so my mom and I just went to our seats and sat down and waited. When we went to sit at our seats in the theatre and Clay walked out, my nerves just calmed right down. I was completely fine. I didn’t have butterflies in my stomach anymore, and I didn’t feel lightheaded. I was completely calm. Another exciting thing about that night was, when they were going to announce the winner, the host brought out a “surprise”. The surprise was OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN! Oh gosh. She didn’t sing but she announced the winner. Then the show starts…and oh my gosh! They say all of his accomplishments (oh, they introduced him FIRST btw) then he came out wearing a black pinstriped suit and kind of a navy blue shirt and black tie. HOT! My mom even turned to me and was like “Ok, he is cute!” hehehehehehe.

So the show started and he made his comments to the contestants. His critiquing was truthful, but not hurtful. That was really great. There were a couple of funny things that happened that night. Clay was obviously witty like he always is ^_- But there were funny things that he said that had all the Claymates screaming hehe. Firstly, one of the girls when she was singing went "upstairs" meaning she hit some high notes because the song was dragging, so she decided to kick it up a notch. When Clay critiqued he said something about when he notices that the song is dragging or he is losing somebody, he will take it "upstairs" and David commented that Clay has never done it quite that good. And he was like "probably not" and then he was like "You'd better watch out, cuz there are some Claymates who will kick your tail" That got us howling in laughter and cheering ^_^. THEN David Foster gets up to talk on stage and his chair spun towards Clay, so Clay moved it back. David joked around and said “Don’t touch my chair Clay” and then Clay twirled it. David said something about getting him later or something and Clay was like “Who’s got my back? I'm gonna need some help” and again all the Claymates cheered and David said "Don't mess with the Claymates" hehehehehehehe.

At the end of the competition they get a group picture and then the host said that there was no music and then Clay did the "soft shoe" dance. It was sort of a jig haha. It was cute. Then the host told him to sing (he was joking around) and Clay turned away as if to say no. What a great guy, he didn’t want to take the spotlight away from the winner. Overall this was a great evening filled with excitement. I got to see Clay in person, and let me tell you, he is hot on TV but he is MEGA HOTTER in person ^_^ He is so down to earth too. Great night that I will never forget.

September is shaping up to be a great month! ^_^

PS. Sorry for the lack of blogging. I will try to get back to blogging what I usually blog, very soon. I am dealing with some stuff in my life first. Thank you for your patience.

Edited on: September 23rd, at 10:35pm because some people have been criticizing me about my wording of some things. Somethings I forgot to mention.


Anonymous said...

I pray that God will be #1 in your life, that your excitement will be for Jesus.

Christine said...

Hey Anon.
God IS #1 in my life, and my excitement IS for Jesus, but that doesn't mean that I can't get excited about other stuff.

This was my first chance of going to anything like this, so I was very fortunate that God provided the money and the tickets to go. I wouldn't have been able to go if it weren't for a Claymate (who i didn't know..but she saw me on the fanclub) back in Toronto, and she saw that I was unable to go because the tickets had sold out. Well she emailed me and said she could sell me hers cuz she couldn't make it out to Vancouver. So God provided the tickets, and I have thanked him a lot for that.

My excitement can be for other things as well. I am more excited about Jesus coming SOON! But that doesn't mean I can get excited (not as much) for other stuff.

Anonymous said...

I am reading this blog and I couldnt help but notice that you didnt mention anything about how God provided you with the tickets, and how that was a struggle that God helped you thru. All I got from this blog is that clay is almost a god to you......

"I was in heaven for those 3.5 hours"

Umm.. well heaven... I think that when we are in heaven that it would not be about another person, but that we would stand there in the presence of Our God, and just be in awe, and nothing else in the world will ever give us that feeling....

"While we were waiting at the balcony for him to come down my legs were getting weak…."

Wow... I really cant believe that you were getting weak over some star that really, well doesnt even know that you exist! I think that its very dangourous on how we look at the ppl in the world. We can very easily replace God, with those ppl in our lives... And to be totaly honest that is IDOLATRY, and I know that you are thinking right away, NO its not... but really think for one second... really think, what place does clay have in your life.. is it even above your friends?

I really dont know you, and I just really feel that God made me come across your blog for a reason, he wants you to come back to him.
This is my prayer for you, that you will blog about an experience that make you feel weak, but that it was Jesus that did that for you!

(ps.. we can have other things in our lives that can make us happy, but they kinda need to be in relation to God... cuz he created all things, I am not saying don't like clay, but think he is HUMAN, and he is not all that you see, the world puts "make-up" on these people's lives to draw us in.. keep that in mind)


Inquistive sentiment said...

Hey, sounds like you had a great time!

Christine said...

Hello Anon.
I have a feeling that you do know me. Somethings are just a little too coincidental. And if you do, just come out and say these things to me in an email, a less public way.

Secondly, It was a figure of speech when I said I was in heaven for those 3.5 hours. Maybe I should have thought of my wording better. And the whole knees getting weak, it wasn't so much my knees getting weak, so much as my legs were feeling like jello (i don't know whether that was cuz of him or all the standing around with my friends and waiting)

Thirdly, I do NOT put Clay above my friends. I do KNOW that Clay is human. From interviews that I watched this week that has reiterated the fact that he is human (he is on meds for depression and anxiety) So i KNOW that he is human.

I love love his music first and foremost and the fact that he is a good role model. The place that Clay has in my life is the title of "favourite singer". Plain and simple. He is not a god in my life. God comes before anything else in my life, if Clay were a "god" in my life, i would stop coming to church all together, i would stop reading my bible all together, i would stop blogging about Godly experiences and Godly stuff all together.

I realize the verses that we can't serve both God and money. and this kinda goes with the idolatry thing, we can't serve God and celebrities. I am quite aware of that, and I am not doing that. I am serving God only, and just liking a celebrity for who they are (human) and listening to their music (which have some good and meaningful lyrics)

Artemis said...

Christine i'm glad to see you excited and have a great first time experience. Also to the Anon's, i've seen Christine's passion for God. Its a lot stronger. Plus your aloud to be excited to see famous people once and a while. I went nuts when I saw My Chemical Romance

Christine said...

"All I got from this blog is that clay is almost a god to you......"

"And to be totaly honest that is IDOLATRY, and I know that you are thinking right away, NO its not... but really think for one second... really think, what place does clay have in your life.. is it even above your friends?"

One last comment about this, and i am done... I am not commenting anymore about this issue.

I just have to say when I read that, it seemed as if u are judging me. and my response to that is, who are you to judge? You are not God. God is the only one who can judge me. Nobody else.

I am done.