Friday, August 18, 2006

God's promises

God says: He will provide, He will always love us no matter what, and the most important, he keeps his promises!

Today, I quit my job today, after 2 shifts, it just wasn't working out for me. I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off...not fun... ANYWAYS... I have never had as much peace as I am feeling right now. A weight has been lifted off my shoulder and I feel great.

Also, I have (sorta) a job opportunity. My nana is in town, so we were taking her to some cool places tonight, and we passed by the Sally Ann Thrift Store in Burnaby and there was a big sign in the window saying "NOW HIRING" I thought "Thank you Lord for confirmation" So I went in and they gave me the number for Sanro and they said to mail in my resume. So I am not going to do that. I am going to call instead and speak to the lady in charge of hiring. She knows my family well, so I feel I have a graet chance of getting this job. Please pray!

Anyways, I was praying this evening asking God if it was a good idea to quit and he didn't disagree. I believe that God will provide (as long as I do my part) so I am at complete peace with my life right now. It feels great! ^_^

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