Thursday, August 10, 2006

Inhumane Animal Treaters!!!

Sorry that this isn't any insightful blog, but it's something on my heart and I need to share it.

On Sunday my friend and I came home from church and we were walking up my street and saw a poor little cat (probably like 7 years old, it looked really old) and it was so sad was all matted (had knots in its fur..all over) and was so skinny, and had a runny nose, but it was so incredibly friendly. It immediately came up to us. We gave it lots of attention. So I went inside and got a few treats, cuz it looked like the cat hadn't eaten a decent meal in a while. I gave it some treats and it ate a couple and started to choke, so I massaged its neck cuz that helps get the food down. I was really sad about that, but and didn't know if i should report it or not, so i left it for a day.

My parents heard people outside and they were apparently going to tkae the cat to their house. Apparently they didn't because sure enough, it was back outside by my house. So I called the local Humane Society (that I volunteer for) and she told me to bring it to the nearest vet and she would give the "go ahead" to look after the cat. So my friend (Bless his heart) drove us to the vet, cuz our car wasn't working, so my mom couldn't drive me. (I know, I am 19, and I don't have my drivers license.. I don't want it really..)

So there I am at the vet, and I realize that that exact day that we brought this little kitty into the vet, was the day that we had to give our cat over to the Humane Society because we couldn't afford to take care of it (a couple weeks later they had to put her down cuz she was really sick..)

I got a call while I was at Worship Team Practice from the lady at the Humane Society. She said that this cat was anemic, had cancer, had kidney failure, was malnurished, and weighed 4 lbs. There wasn't anything they could do, they had no choice but to put her down. They couldn't even tell whether it was a boy or a girl because it's fur was so matted.

I was terribly upset about this. How can someone just treat their pet like that? Just leave it on the streets to fend for themselves, how can someone just abandon their pet like that. To most of my friends, their pets are family members. I know I feel that way. So tell me this, would you treat your brother or sister or parents like that? Would you leave them on the streets to fend for themselves. Sadly, this happens to. It makes me sick to hear how badly people treat their pets.
Since I volunteer with the Humane Society where I live, I see many stories like this. Cats who are left on the streets to fend for themselves. One cat was left in an abandoned building with just a dish of water and a dish of food. Sick!

Please people, if you see stray cats in your neighbourhood, please take them to the nearest Humane Society (or call the nearest one they will pick the cat up)

Thank you for hearing my rant!

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