Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Religion vs Relationship

I got this email devotional, and it really got me thinking. It was about Religion vs Relationship

Religion - "the belief in a God or group of gods to be worshiped."
Relationship - "the condition of being related; connection."

Are you a member of a religion or are you really involved in a relationship with Him? Are your beliefs just about something or truly in Someone? When we are talking about Jesus Christ, relationship with him is so much better than just religion. Demons know who Christ is, so I think that they had "religion", and they had a "relationship" with Satan i would imagine. When Satan got kicked out of Heaven, he took a bunch of the angel's with him because they worshipped Satan instead of God.

Some people of the world just settle for religion instead of a relationship. God wants a relationship with us!Ephesians 1:5 says, "He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ in accordance with His pleasure and will."

The devotional said that "Religion provides identity (who you are), security (what you’re worth) and community (who you’re with). But, so can alcohol, drugs, illicit sex, gangs...and so can materialism, intellectualism, workaholism, and peer pressure. There’s only one REAL option: to wake up from whatever lifeless religion we practice and trade it all for a living relationship with Jesus Christ!"

Be very careful, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity. Do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.

Don't just settle for religion. Have a RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ. You wont regret it! It will be the BEST decision that you will EVER make. He will make you the HAPPIEST person in the world. You will go through trials, but you will get through them with the strength of Jesus Christ!

Bless you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Blog. Check out some of my knew blogs they are about worship.