Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Summerland blog # 3

Saturday: We basically hung out at Julian's house for a while... I went up on the hill behind Julians house and was just pouring my heart out to God. It was awesome..when I came back down I found out that Kevin and Angel went to pick up Ben. So I got to spend some time with Julian and his brother. That was fun. Julian taught me how to play golf. That was awesome. Then Kevin, Angel and Ben came back and Ben joined in the golf. That was awesome. Then we went to Boston Pizza. That was a fun night. I got to chat with Sierra and Steph. They are cool people.

Sunday: Angel and I woke up early..the guys (Julian and Kevin) slept in.. and Angel and I went out on the trampouline and talked (we spent a lot of time together and we got to talk about a lot of stuff) Julian's dad suggested that we take the dogs for a walk. So Angel took Sam and I took Panda..and..well..they took US for a walk lol.. we walked and saw horses and lambs. That was cool. Then Angel and I got the eggs from the hen house and put them into the carton for Julian's dad... Then we came back and waited for Cody to pick us up for church. We get to church and we are welcomed. I felt quite at home there. The youth band was playing the worship music...that was awesome. I got to see someone I hadnt seen since RAW. Didnt talk to him until later that evening.. We sang songs that Angel and I knew...it was awesome. We came back from Church and woke the guys up..they still were not up. geez! Then we went for a hike up the hill.. awesome experience! We went to the top of the hill and saw over summerland. We came back down and we made dinner.. they had salmon and I had veggie kabobs. I was done eating (didnt eat much) and Julian's dad puts another on my plate.. lol... so i had to eat that one too. lol. Then we went to youth. THAT WAS AWESOME! I spoke! woo... Randy was talking about God speaking to us.. and he asked if any of us had God speak to us.. Julian spoke and I spoke.. Then we went to small groups and we talked more about it. We had to go upstairs so we took the elevator.. we all squished in there.. they fit 18 people in that small elevator.. lol The Summerland group is soooooo welcoming. I felt so at home there. Then after small group we went downstairs for cookies and juice. And I got to chat with Tyrone, Sierra, and Julian. I was talking to Sierra and I was saying how I hate that I cant start a conversation with people and that I really wanted to talk to Drew and I wish he would come over and talk to me and like 5 minutes later he comes over and we had a really nice conversation. That was awesome. Then we left.. I saw Drew outside and he gave me a high five. That guy is so cool! Then Sierra, Julian and I went to pick up Tyler and his friend to go to Timmy's. I was sitting in the back of the car and Julian was in the front and when Julian got out to get Tyler I jump in the front. He comes back and sits on me and shuts the door LOL.. Sierra was not going to drive like that tho lol.. too bad eh? Then we get to Tim Hortons and man that was a fun fun fun time! LOL... I cant remember the last time I laughed for THAT long. I laughed for the whole time we were there.. we got there around 930...left at 1045.. aha... almost an hour and a half of laughter. Everyone was laughing cuz i could not stop laughing. Julian wasnt helping any either.. he kept looking at me and saying "stop laughing" but he was smiling so i would laugh again.. lol... That was the highlight of my week. Then we went back to Julian's house... and thats where blog number 2 comes in.. i wont explain it here cuz it was already explained. lol. oh and Tyrone slept over

Monday: We left at 10.. :( We played around with the Koosh.. haha "you have just been kooshed" ha ha ha ha ha.. Then we went for a walk. It was getting around the time that Ben was coming to the house so kevin and angel went back to the house. Tyrone, Julian and I went up the hill to see another view. that was awesome. Tyrone gave me his hat (oh and Tyrone? What did I tell you.. my dad DID make a comment about me wearing the hat backwards LOL) ha ha.. then we all pile into the car (ben, kevin, angel, julian, tyrone and I...yes thats 6 people aha.. Julian lied on us the way to the school) we dropped ty, julian and ben off at the school and we were on our way.. we stopped at Summerland Sweets to get treats for my parents. Then we went to Vernon. We get to Clint's house and Ethan comes and opens the door. He was happy to see us....awwww... then Clint took us for a tour of Vernon... went to the Vernon College there.. dunno what its called.. and there is an AWESOME view of kal lake from the cafeteria..wow.. Then we went to the church that Clint works at.. we saw Mark Touzeau. We jammed with him. I played the bongos and Angel played drums and he played electric guitar. haha. it was awesome. Then Angel and I played Ping Pong. then Clint showed us the prayer room and then the Talking Donkey (or the Chatting Ass LOL) and we got a coffee..

Then we were on our way :( I was very upset... I really did NOT want to leave. I wanted to stay in Summerland. In fact I am ANGRY that I am home.

I just ask for some prayer.. I need direction from God. I have a few BIG life changing decisions that I need to make before I graduate college (3 years) so please pray that God will give me direction and to help me make those life changing decisions. This is a big decision that I am about to make and I need to have God's hand in it to make sure that it is what I am supposed to do..and make sure that this is where God wants me. and if it is God's will that I do what I want to do then I need prayer that he will provide the things I need in order for that to happen.

Thanks guys

Uber amounts of Blessings on you!!!!

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