Monday, March 27, 2006

Summerland blog # 2

Tonight has definitly been very interesting. Julian, Tyrone, Sierra and I were lying on Julian's trampoline and Julian got up to get more sleeping bags and he came out and saw something very creepy. He said he saw a shadow of a man with a brown sleeping bag. THen he turns around and it wasnt there. He was very creeped out and he told us what happened and then I was freaked out. I went inside and told Ben and the next thing I know, he is outside doing a prayer walk. I was very scared. We both started praying. Very very weird spiritual stuff went on this week. God has been working through all of us and Satan does not like that so he is trying to ruin us. But my faith is rebuilt.

Summerland was freaking awesome. I am still here but we leave at 9am. That sucks really bad..but.. Oh well.. Ill hopefully get over it. I will blog about the rest of my trip when I get home.


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