Friday, March 24, 2006

Summerland # 1

Hey guys, I am in Summerland, I am having a great time. Lets tell you the details so far:

Thursday.. we left bright and early (4am) and let me tell you...the trip up here was very very very interesting lol... we turned the wrong way in Merritt and ended up in the VILLAGE of Ashcroft. I didnt know that there were villages! We got quite the laugh out of that one lol. So we finally get to SUmmerland at around 10 and we basically just settle in... I played Ping Pong against Julian for a while..that was awesome. I love Ping Pong. Then we went Downtown Summerland... Ben had a dentist appointment so we went with him and then we met up with Julian while Ben was in the Dentist.. we walked around for a while.. just basically hung out.. it was quite fun. Then we got back to Ben's house and hung out there for a good while.. I got to see lambs.. awesome!!! We basically sat around. I like sitting around cuz we came here to relax and not think about stuff back at home. We went to the SUmmerland Sweets place too.. and then we went to a Train Bridge... I knew something was up with a couple people in our group..but i had no idea what was to come until later that evening..but i dont want to discuss it. Then at 7 we went over to Jeremy's house for Bible study. That was awesome. The people here are so incredibly accepting..they are so kind. These people are awesome! At the bible study we just basically talked about some things that God has been telling us.. and there were many verses that came up. But I will blog on those later.. *note to self.. blog that*

Friday (Today) we woke up at 10...had a shower and I basicaly stayed downstairs and read my bible for a while... I was having a bad morning...cuz ya.. something that happened the night before.. and then we went out.. we went and just drove around...we stopped at the youth centre..and ben, kevin and angel went to get the camera and Julian and I hung out and played Pool at the youth centre while they were gone. We played 2 games.. I won both :) it was fun. THen we came to Julians house and hung out again. lol.. we are doing lots of hanging out ... I love it! We went and made dinner..that was awesome. I love Julians family. They are awesome. Then the Bonfire happened and still is happening I think. I am definitly having a better day today.. sorta. Wellll thats all for now.. I will blog more later.


1 comment:

Liz said...

hey girl let me know how it was when ya get back, would love to hear from ya!!