Monday, December 26, 2005

Oh Come all Ye Faithful...and not so faithful

I was reading another devotional today and it struck me again so I had to share.

“If we died with Him, we will also live with Him; if we endure, we will also reign with Him. If we disown Him, He will disown us; if we are faithless, He will remain faithful, for He cannot disown Himself” (2 Timothy 2:11-13 NIV)

During Christmas we sing "Oh come all ye faithful" Have you ever asked “Who’s that? Who can say they have been totally faithful to Christ?” We all fail Him from time to time. We all struggle with faith. We all prove to be unfaithful partners with God. Even Pastors from time to time, nobody is perfect except God himself. Its very encouraging to know that too, because sometimes I look at my Pastors and I am like 'wow they are so faithful, they love God so much' the truth is, they, too, have their moments of unfaithfulness.

If our security with God depended on our faithfulness to Him, we would all be in bad shape; but the good news is: our security with God depends on His faithfulness to us.

John said this "Jesus chided his disciples for having “little faith,” but He did not kick them off the team for it. He called His followers an “unbelieving generation,” but He did not abandon them. And in spite of the saying above about disowning those who disown Him, Jesus apparently made an exception to that rule for Peter, who on three occasions disowned having any part of Christ. He later forgave Peter and accepted him back. "

People were unfaithful to God, but he still loved them no matter what. He loves us even if we have flaws.

I’m sure we can all recall times when we struggled with faith, had a hard time finding it, or perhaps found ourselves unfaithful to God. Some may be in that place right now. This is a time to worship God for His faithfulness to us. We may have let go of Him, but He will never let go of us, because we are His, and He cannot disown what belongs to Him.

John ends the devotional by saying: “O come all ye faithful…” and not so faithful, too! The most important thing is to come!"

1 comment:

April said...

Great blog
You always find ways to encourage people. I love reading your blogs