Monday, December 12, 2005

God's help in times of trouble

"When Satan is knocking at your door, simply say, "Jesus, can you get that for me?"

I heard this quote the other day and its now on my MSN. It about sums up what we are supposed to so when we feel that Satan wants us. We ask Jesus to help us. Satan always rejoices when friends fight and he celebrates when we dont get along. I hate that! He is saying "yes! these girls are fighting, i can get them farther away from God! AWESOME" so when that happens, ask Jesus to help you.

My words arent too great right now, i dont know what happened with my blogging, but ya, I am just not motivated to blog right now, but i heard this quote and i had to share it.

"Submit yourselves then to God, resist the Devil and he will flee from you" James 4:7

1 comment:

mee-shell said...

Hey Christine!

No worries for your lack of not knowing what to blog - i think that we all really do go through that at some point... if you take a look at mine - you will see that happens to me quite a bit - but then there are days that I can blog several times a day - or every day and I'll be on a roll but then - there will be some weeks where I will just blog once or maybe even twice. so don't feel so bad...

and by the way - i love the quote and the scripture that you came across - really good stuff!!! :)

Blessings to you!
Michelle :)