Friday, June 23, 2006

The Lord is at work with his children!

Tonight, I had the opportunity to visit my friends mother in the hospice that she is in. My friend's youth group were going to come and pray with her mother. That was an amazing night that I will never forget. They got there after we did, we got to chat with her mother for a while... then the youth group showed up, and they talked for a little bit, but then just started praying. They immediately started praying in tongues. It was amazing to see God working in that room. They prayed for everything for this woman. As they were praying I could see God actually breathing life into her, they all saw colour coming back into her. It was amazing. Surely the best night! Its encouragement that I needed to see! Praise the Lord!

Oh and Praise the Lord for removing writer's block. I haven't been able to write a story in almost 2 years straight. I have attempted but its just gone bad. I have had an idea in my head for a few months of a story, but i didnt quite know how to put it to paper. After some encouragement from friends of mine from a forum that I belong to... ahem.. i won't say which one, cuz people will get mad...or they will roll their eyes... lol.... They encouraged me and gave me some ideas of how to start the story... so I have been writing non stop for hte last hour and I am at 3 pages long. Its mostly dialoque at this point, so i need to go back and put some descriptions and stuff in there. Its a work in progress tho and so Praise the Lord! But nooooo more writing, I have picked my brain enough tonight with this thing. LOL

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