Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Gone Vacationing

he he..get it? Instead of gone FISHING? ha ha ha ha...anyways...

Sorry for my lack of writing blogs lately. I have been very caught up in writing my new story. I have had writers block for about 2 years and nevr really attempted to do anything about that writers block. Then I joined the Clay boards and I met some wonderful people there, and one of them is my co-author :) She writes one page of story, and then I continuie and write 3 after that, then when I get writers block, she writes another page (sometimes 2) So my story is now 28 pages long ha ha... nice! I started it last week... like the 22nd I believe.

ANYWHO, I am going on holidays until the 4th of July, so I won't be blogging unless I can get to a computer to tell you about my trip. That might happen. If I dont blog you will know why tho! God Bless and see you all on the 4th!


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