Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Idolatry is a scary thing! WOW

Tonight at Re:fuge we were talking about Idolatry. Now I was like " ok whatever, I dont worship anything except for God" but then the definition of Idolatry came up: Anything that keeps us from thinking about God. I just looked the definition up in the dictionary and it says this:

i·dol·a·try ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-dl-tr)n. pl. i·dol·a·tries
Worship of idols.
Blind or excessive devotion to something.

I was like.. OUCH... The activity that we did was writing our idols on the clay pot.. pray about it and give it over to God and then SMASH IT with a hammer in a pillow case.. It was so relieving to do. Oh.. my idol that God showed me were the following: Julian, Money, and MY OWN WAY (what I want to happen and not caring what God wants to happen)

Before the preach Cory played the guitar and we worshipped God through music. I gave my all tonight because I was so broken all day today. I was just not having a good day, i was stressed and I was upset because of probably not being able to go to Summerland at the end of April.. So I just worshipped in faith. And what do y'know? I was given COMPLETE joy! Funny how that works..

When I was worshipping I gave my relationship with Julian over to God. I was in a nut shell thinking about Julian too much and God not enough. and I was wanting things to work out with Julian so badly that I was willing to anything. That is when I realized what I was doing. I was thinking about Julian more than God (which at that point I didnt know it was idolatry) So I gave that relationship over to God. If its his will that we are good friends, I will be fine with that (It will take time to move on.. but with God's help I can do it) If it is his will that we date and/or marry..than God will make that happen. But until then I need to not think about it. I have given it over to God, to let HIM do the working and the thinking.. not me...

I am so full of joy right now! Thank you God! I love feeling like this.

"You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below." Exodus 20:3-4


Ginger Ale said...

Praise the Lord!
I agree that activity we did at Re:fuge was something I needed to do! And I LOVE DANCING!

mee-shell said...

WOW! Very powerful blog... pretty deep stuff too. Its amazing how God is speaking to you - and showing you things... Praise The Lord! I pray that as He continues to lead you - that you will continue to follow! Blessings to you little sis.

Michelle :)