Monday, May 16, 2005


Well today was crap! and i mean utter C-R-A-P! The whole day! Its all a big fight about the transportation to grad! Its rediculous there was a whole big fight....

Kevin is going to phone Michael and arrange something so Kevin can be a part of my grad! Thats really awesome! Hes actually doing something nice for me suprising eh? haha......Michael AND Kevin are going to be in black suits and dark glasses (thats what Kevin wants) so they will be our body guards hahaha its going to be so much fun....

T0omorrow is one month soince Ms Waller passed away. i miss her deeply!!!! This is the first person that i have lost that was VERY close to me. Like the people at Buchanan yes i am upset that they pass away but i dont know them as well as family and friends and thety ahve lived their lives.....Janis was only 44! Her bday is on my friends birthday as well thats going to be very tough to help celebrate her bday.!!!!!

I gotta clean my room ahah its a mess **blushes** its not a mess ALL the time so its ok :) see ya! mmmm my pudding is ready....oh which reminds me...gotta do homework :P see the problem with these blog things is i never know when to shut up aha! oops oh enjoying wsitting here listening to my ex's dad's CD... Bill Olsen......such an awesome singer! I love his CD..... :)

Lets hope for a better deay tomorrow! Prom shopping on friday WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D



R.I.P Janis Elaine Waller
August 17th 1960-- April 17th 2005

Yesterday is history
Tomorrow a mystery
Today is a gift

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