Monday, May 09, 2005

My first post

Hey this thing is cool. Why didnt i see this earlier..ahem..anywho. Wonderful things occured yesterday at night church. I was sitting at the beginning on church not wanting to worship at all..didnt even want to be there. But i did go. And then after a powerful sermon by Michael Collins i worshipped like i have never worshipped before. They were all slow songs but i just put my head down and i just prayed and prayed and prayed. God revealed so much to me, it was awesome. Then after i went over to talk to Angel cuz she looked sad so i prayed with her and i told her how happy i was and i didnt know why, and she said that she has been praying that i would be happy. Its awesome. Then i prayed over April cuz shes goin through stuff as well. I had a great night. Why is it when i am happy other people arent and when i am not everyone else is. Its weird how that happens. Well off to bed now, stupid choir (early mornings SUCK) Hey does anyone know if their work is hiring people currently and that can put a good work in for me :) lol good night all

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