Friday, May 27, 2005

Prom Night 2005

Hello everyone, i havent updated in a couple weeks....lots has gone on but i want to talk about Prom...MAN was that awesome!!!!! Everything about today was awesome. well except the beginning, i had to wake up early at like 630 for choir (one last choir practice before the prom) Then i came home, sat around and then got stuff ready for prom. Then at 1230 i went to Metro for my VERY FIRST manicure/pedicure.......oh oh oh oh that was awesome. I am slightly dissapointed with my mani tho, the french manicure is starting to come off, the guy that did my nails (kinda resembled Vallen, it was weird) said that it wont come off for 2-3 days.....LIAR........oh well i should touch it up. Next time im getting gels. Anyways, then after my appointment we went to see Ashley and Angel getting their hair and makeup done..well Angels hair and Ashley;s makeup. I got SOOO many pictures i got at least 5 rolls FULL of pix. Ill show u guys at youth tomorrow if ur there. Anyways, then we went and got corsages.....well my mom and i mom bought Ashley and Angels corsage too. I felt bad cuz she couldnt afford to pay for Crystals too but she didnt mind. On the way to getting the corsages i saw Crystal walking to home from her hair appointment. My mom had stopped to get gas and then i saw her and we both were squealing like little school girls saying prom prom woo.....we both had got our nails done so we were like "lets see urs" it was funny. Oh i didnt tell you about my manicure/pedicure mani was french and then the pedicure (heavenly by the way...massage and everything except they use something that resembles a potato peeler and they peel ur feet) anyways....the color nail polish matches my dres and on the big toe i got a little flower and a jewel in the middle of the flower. its really REALLY pretty. I hope that stays on for a while. Then i went to my hair appointment....that was awesome too,......the lady that i go to to get my hair highlighted did my updo. It looked AWESOME. I LOVE it. It had little butterflies in them and everything. Ms Geddes took pix of all the grads when we got to the Renassiance Hotel...we went down to the park to take it and all these people we walking past when we were like screaming it was fun. THen we ate.....yummmy food. There wasnt much that i could eat but there was salad and a little spinach thingy..for dessert i had a strawberry cheese cake and some strawberries. I stayed pretty healthy tonight. Awesome. We danced A LOT. My parents came and my brother came and everyones parents and/or siblings came and we got pix taken...i got pix taken with A LOT of people. I mean LOTS LOTS LOTS as i said i took 5 rolls worth of pix. aha. and Crystal is giving me her negatives and so is Angel...:D After the parents left the music got was very vulgar and people were dancing not so nice.....lets just leave it at we sat outside of the dining hall and talked. AT the end of the night we got to take a little candle holder thing that says something to do with grad 05..mine says "C-Boo 2005)Its very cool its a tea light candle holder.Then midnight came and my brother picked us up and took us to Tim Hortons...ahaha boy did that look funny, all of us girls in our prom dresses walking into Tim's haha i heard someone whistle haha......... Then we went to burnaby mountain for a lil bit and took a pic there. IT was pretty cold. My dress is backless so it was VERY cold. Then we dropped Ashley off and then Crystal and then Angel and now here i am. Its almost 3am and i am WIDE AWAKE. I was verty sad cuz i had to take my hair out of the updo cuz i cant sleep on it cuz it had A LOT of hairspray in it so i had a shower at 2 in the morning haha......ANd here i sit. my hair is soaking wet, im listening to worship CD's....well i am going to TRY to get to bed cuz i gotta be WIDE AWAKE for tonight's Car Rally!! woo thats going to be fun. OH and on saturday im goin to Victoria with my Dad....thats going to be awesome ive never been there.....i dont get out much aha........So everyone i will show you my grad pictures tonight and if i dont see u tonight ill see u sunday and ill show u then.....good night everyone!! GRAD 2005!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO


- Servant of God - said...

congrats...glad ur prom rocked!! were all proud of u chris!!

Victory of the People said...

sounds like a fun night! better then mine thats for sure