Monday, December 11, 2006


Sometimes we have to sacrifice wonderful things just so we can please God. This is very important to sacrifice your lives to please God. Very important.

Tonight I was offered the chance to go to Summerland for the New Year (from the 30th of December to the 1st). Previously planned was a Huge Worship Bash to ring in the New Year at my church. I was so torn because I love Summerland (and seeing it in the winter would be amazing) but I also loved the idea of ringing in the New Year with a big bang. Worshipping God through music to ring in the New Year is a great BIG bang I think. So I had to turn down the trip to Summerland because I knew that there would be drinking there... and I don't want to go against my covenant... I don't know if I would be tempted to drink if i went and......well... I don't like that too much... I get uncomfortable around people who I had to turn it down.

I turned down a great trip to Summerland because of my convictions (i think thats the right word)

I had to sacrifice..its a tough decision to make.

Edited December 23rd to change wording.


Betty said...

Hello there Christine!
I think that its great that you are trying to sacrifice things to God. But the thing is if there is going to be drinking at this party, then you need to identify weather its going to be a problem or not, do you need to be the light in their lives so that they are going to do the right thing. Or do you think thats it's ok that they drink, but you just dont like it?
I think that it seems that if you need to be there, then you would have to sacrfice the worship band because it seems that thats what you really love to do...
But these are my thoughts, and I will trust that you are following what God wants you to do.
Blessings, and I hope that you have a really great new years eve! I am looking forward to reading any blogs on what God is doing in your life!

Haven Bartton said...

Be careful what you choose to do entirely out of "comfort" or "discomfort".

God is rarely concerned with how comfortable we are in a situation.

Christine said...

If you read the next line, it says that I turned it down because of my convictions.... I just worded the first paragraph wrong.. i fixed it.

Haven Bartton said...

Ah, I understand better what you mean now.

God Bless