Friday, December 01, 2006

What does it mean to be yoked?

What does this mean? Does it mean not to date/marry someone? Or does it mean that you shouldn't fall into a trap of sin when u are with them (friendship or intimate relationship)?

I was talking to a friend of mine about this issue today because it is something I am struggling with really badly right now. I do not want to give details about who he is or anything like that because this is a public blog and such... but I am crazy about this guy, and I mean crazy. Like slip a straight jacket on me and put me in a padded room. We is so astounding when we talk and we find out that there is yet another thing we have in common. Only thing we don't have in common is our faith.

So the Bible says:
2 Corinthians 6:14-15 (New International Version)
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?

I hear this, and I understand it, but what I am struggling with is the question of "What if your heart is contradictory to this, and it is so overpowering?" My heart totally wants something that is contradictory to what the Bible says, but my heart is much more overpowering than my head.

So my question for you all to answer in my comments is "What do you do when your heart is feeling what is contradictory to what the Bible says?"


mee-shell said...


Honestly, when I know that scriptures says something, but my heart feels a bit different then what Gods word says - I pray, hard, and I get others to pray for me and with me. For clearity and understanding.

I mean, love isn't as simple as one thinks (I don't believe it is anyways) the thing is, we can fall so easilly in to lust, rather then having that true genuine love for the person of the opposite sex... and if you feel that it is love, pray about it. Pray hard.

Another thing is, from my experience of dating guys that are unbeleivers, bad thing to do. These are only my thoughts and experiences though - and where I was at in relationship with God at that point in my life...

I found that even though I thought I "loved" this guy that I was with, like deeply love him, I was so distracted by the plan that God had for me. At first it is so innocent, but can lead to something bigger then that. For me, at that point I just wanted to be in a relationship with him - I was following my heart, really then rather following the heart of God - and what He desires of me.

And now, to this day, I don't want to settle for second best... I want to settle for the best, And I know that God has that man planned out for me somewhere down the road, its just timing and being paitent and really waiting, trusting and leaning on God. Which sometimes isn't easy, but God never says that things will ever be easy...

I just would really love to encourage you to surround yourself with some really amazingly awesome prayer warriors, and pray, and seek God on this - follow His heart. He has BIG plans for you!


Unknown said...

I know you have no clue who I am and I have no clue who you are but girl I am going through the same thing!!!

I am so so so in love with Jesus and I for sure dont wanna do anything to hurt Him or go against his word but I am also in love with this guy.

The thing that is hard for me is I know he isnt saved and I have been praying so hard for him and I see that he is changing. I mean he treats me amazingly and doesnt ever make me do anything I dont wanna do.But we are still unequally yoked!!!

But what I dont understand is how do you get unyoked with the one person you love to be around the most?? I mean it is just so hard to understand!!

I know this wasnt the answer but I just wanted you to know your not the only one out there struggling with this and ill pray for you girlie. For both of us and both our loves :)