Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Body of Christ

Why is it that we go to church, if all we do is sit there, not listen to the sermon and then go off on our way and do exactly what the sermon was preaching us NOT to do.

Why is it that someone speaks about not gossiping or cutting your friends down, or swearing, or not being a good Christ-like example, that we go straight out of church and do exactly that. I experienced that last week. Thing is, if I try to tell them we shouldn't talk about so and so or shouldn't be saying certain things, I get called "holier than thou". Is there a way of saying it, that will not result in that being said? Granted I am NOT perfect AT ALL, but I am working on myself, but when I even try to help my friends by saying that we shouldn't talk about certain things I get called that or it just doesn't stop.

Now the question is: Do I seperate myself from the group? Or continue to try to help them realize what they are doing. I love all my friends dearly, but I hate seeing the negativity, and the gossip, and the anger and so on and so forth.

Jesus was perfect and so when he was with people such as these he wasn't brought down and they listened to him. But what about a regular person like myself who is with sin (of course, who isn't?) who is trying to change?


Inquistive sentiment said...

So here's what I think. I have left the group for just that reason. Actually I have left that church too. Look around you and see that everyone is broken, and is not willing to get help. Also, They don't want to listen to what the pastor says, if they don't like it then they go somewhere else. I have tried to speak out, and I haven't been heard. So I had to remove myself from a very spiritually damaging situation. I pray constantly for the people at that church. As long as nobody wants so change then There is not going to be anything that I or the pastor can Do. There needs to be more awareness. I am sorry to hear that people have put you down when you are trying to be a better person. That seems to be another issue in these groups. I pray that the Lord bless you and that you are able to stand out, or protect yourself if thats whats needed.

Christine said...

I think that you hit the nail on the head there. People are living in brokenness and do not want to change. They may say that they want things to change, but aren't willing to try to change it themselves and are relying on other people (Not necessarily pastors either, could be people who they see as spiritually well or it could even be two broken people relying on each other).

Thanks for the encouragement!

(PS I know who you are, and I wanted to let you know I sent you an email) LOL

God Bless you too!