Sunday, November 26, 2006

Funny Tidbit for today

Hey everyone
I have a brilliant blog I am working on but won't post it til later because its not done yet and I am getting really tired and am feeling a little i am off to bed soon..but I thought I would tell u a funny event of the day.

My mom and I went for a walk (before the snow came) down to the candy store in New West. Great store... well I bought some candy and a bottle of vanilla cream..well...this bottle looks like a beer bottle....dark brown... I was wearing my Salvation Army toque here I was walking up the street drinking this bottle of vanilla cream with my toque on...I put it away because people driving by might have thought it was something else....

If you don't find it funny then maybe it was one of those "you had to be there" types of things.. my mom and i found it hysterical.

I will post a picture tomorrow or the day after...I have been quite busy lately.

Good night all! God Bless

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Wind VS God's Love

Have u ever heard the saying about Wind being compared to God's love? "You can't see it but you feel it" ???

Well looking at this weather that happened today, I felt God's love in a BIG way today.... lol

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tiera Janae Isbell

Congratulations to my friend Alie! She had a baby this morning at 3:55am. After 17 hours of labour her baby finally came! There were pictures, but the family and friends that were with her for those 17 hours are way too tired to fix and send pictures right now, so the pictures wll have to wait, but for now here is the information:

Tiera (pronounced like Tear-Ah) I am not sure how it is going to be spelled yet, but Alie described the name like that because the baby was the cry of her sweet.. She was born at 3:55am, she was 8 lbs 6 oz and 54 cm long!

Congratulations Alie!