Saturday, July 22, 2006

Quote for the day

I got this quote in my email a few days ago and I thought it was SO profound...

"When we worship the Lord, let's remember that He is in control. Nothing alarms Him, or takes Him by surprise. Nothing is too big for Him to handle, or so small it escapes His attention. When the winds of my world begin to blow, He remains seated. When raging waves surround me, He governs their temper...I need not be moved ... Because the Lord is seated and sovereign...He alone is sovereign."

Quote by: Ronald James

Monday, July 10, 2006

God has answered prayers

Wow, God is so working in people's lives. I see him working in other people's lives so much! It's amazing..

Tonight my family actually sat down and they turned off the TV and we talked for 2 hours. Now I like to figure out how we got to certain topics when we talk. This happens with my friends too, we talk and I try to figure out how we got to a certain topic because its WAY off from the beginning..or it is linked someway... The conversation was mostly about my dad's past experiences, because we were talking about Commissioner Christine MacMillian( I was named after her. I look VERY highly upon this women, she is inspirational...) anyways... we were talking about her and it brought up my dad's memories of working with her. We had many many laughs there.

My dad was telling us (we have heard these stories btu they are still SO funny..that we were crying so bad lol) about a day when this guy walked in the Crosswalk with a machety (a big knife...i cant spell lol) and Christine walks up to the guy and grabs the knife and says "Give me that!" So funny..... Christine is a very conservative lady and she looks like such a serious lady, but my dad Christine has a fun side. When she saw my dad last night at the Installation of our new Divisional Leaders she said to my dad "Hey buddy".. She used to call him that when he worked with her in the 80's. A very cool lady...

Another story was these two guys came in and they were fighting, so Christine went up to them and broke up the fight saying "Stop that! Whats the matter with you" The two guys were very embarrassed and said "Sorry, Chris"

Anyways....enough funny stories... cuz I have a lot of them...just ask if you wanna hear more..

But since we got on the topic of the Crosswalk, a friend of the family was brought up because he worked with my dad for MANY years, up until the end of the old Crosswalk. They were awesome people. they were like family and i loved each one of htem. ANYWAYS, I had found out a few months ago that one of them contracted Hep C (i think it was a needle or something that caused it). Now from what I have heard this is not curable. He was on meds and was going to have to take time out from his job and whatnot because the meds were going to make him really sick. Well, my dad informed me tonight (when I asked how this guy was) that this man went to the doctor's and they found absolutly NO trace of Hep C. Praise the Lord!