Thursday, June 16, 2005


My mom bought me 4 CD's as my Graduation gift! Awesome eh? She bought me:

Chris Tomlin: Arriving
Matt Redman: The Friendship and the Fear
Tim Hughes: When the Silence Falls
Soul Survivor Live: Glimpse of Glory

And im listening to the Chris Tomlin one right now. I am listening to number 7 which is "The Power of the Cross" Its such an awesome song. Its basically saying what can cleanse us and fill out emptiness in our lives and what can heal our brokenness: The mighty awesome power of the Cross. Thats a powerful message. Thank you Jesus for that message. This is a beautiful song with a beautiful message!

The other night (Saturday night) I had a dream, and Nancy Michel was in it for some reason. Anyways, she was holding the bible with her finger in a page and she gave it to me and said "1 Peter 5:7" and that was it. Then i woke up. There were a few other verses mentioned before that with different people, but this one stood out, i cant remember the other verses or people. So I went to church on sunday morning and I read the verse and it says "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" I definitly needed to hear that message! Thats for sure! Naomi suggests that i tell Nancy about the dream, i will on sunday morning. maybe she needs to hear that message eh? ya never know

Anyways, I need to study haha....not fun. anywho. byeeeee